Image Wisely, a joint initiative of ACR, RSNA, ASRT and AAPM,
provides information to the medical community to promote safety in medical imaging.

Terms and Conditions

Image Wisely® Trademark/Service Terms of Use

The American College of Radiology (ACR) and the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), acting on behalf of the Committee on Adult Radiation Protection and Image Wisely, authorize certain facilities, associations and educational institutions (Pledgers) to use the trademark/service mark, featuring the year of their pledge (the “MARK”), in connection with their participation in the Image Wisely program.

Facilities, associations and educational institutions may use the Mark only for educational purposes and to indicate their participation and support of the Image Wisely goal of radiation safety in adult medical imaging. They may not use the Mark to convey an express or implied endorsement of goods or services of any specific medical device manufacturer.

Facilities pledging to meet the criteria on the Imaging Facilities pledge page and associations and educational programs pledging on the Associations and Educational Programs pledge page will receive both the Image Wisely logo and Pledge Certificate.

Image Wisely permits facilities, associations and educational institutions that have pledged to the campaign to use the Image Wisely logo to demonstrate that they have taken the pledge. Image Wisely does not permit use of its logo by individual pledgers without written authorization.

The authorization is royalty-free, non-exclusive and not transferable except as noted, and extends throughout the United States.

Alteration of the Mark

Pledgers must use the Mark as the ACR and RSNA provide it. Pledgers may not alter or modify the Mark, or combine the Mark with another trademark/service mark.

End of Authorization

The authorization is good only during the calendar year in which the pledge was made or until the authorized Pledger acts contrary to any of these terms. When the authorization ends, the Pledger shall immediately discontinue all use of the Mark and confusingly similar marks, including on the Internet, and destroy all printed materials bearing the Mark.



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