Image Wisely, a joint initiative of ACR, RSNA, ASRT and AAPM,
provides information to the medical community to promote safety in medical imaging.

Attestation Instructions and Checklist

Demonstrate your awareness — Image Wisely now offers a certificate for reading selected computed tomography and fluoroscopy articles or exhibits.

Attestation Certificate thumbnailReceive an attestation certificate to demonstrate your familiarity with educational material provided by Image Wisely. Here's how:

  1. Choose one or more of the items from the lists below

  2. Read the article(s) or view the presentation(s)

  3. After completing an activity, at the end of each article or presentation, click on the link to the attestation certificate

  4. On the certificate, fill in:   
    • your name
    • the date content was completed
    • the title of the item you reviewed

  5. Attestations may be saved as a PDF or printed

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