Image Wisely, a joint initiative of ACR, RSNA, ASRT and AAPM,
provides information to the medical community to promote safety in medical imaging.
Demonstrate your awareness — Image Wisely now offers a certificate for reading selected computed tomography and fluoroscopy articles or exhibits.
Receive an attestation certificate to demonstrate your familiarity with educational material provided by Image Wisely. Here's how:
Attestation certificates are available for the following items:
Image Wisely Articles
CT Protocol Design
Iterative Reconstruction in CT: What Does It Do? How Can I Use It?
Pediatric CT and Image Gently
Selecting the Right Test and Considering Relative Radiation Dose: The Value of the ACR Appropriateness Criteria®
Diagnostic Imaging of Thoracic-Abdominal-Pelvic Diseases
Use of Ultrasound as an Alternative to CT
The Pregnant Patient: Alternatives to CT and Dose-Saving Modifications to CT Technique
CT Protocol Design and Optimization
Image Reconstruction Techniques
Diagnostic Reference Levels
RSNA Dose Exhibits
Fetal Dosimetry in CT: A Primer
Can AI Generate High-Resolution Images While Reducing Radiation Exposure Dose in Chest CT? - Application of Deep-Learning Super-Resolution Imaging in Chest CT
Radiation Dose Reduction with Low Tube Voltage and Iterative Reconstruction for Pediatric CT
CT Dose Reduction Strategies in CT Urography
Abdominal DECT in the Emergency Department: Applications and Workflow in a Busy Level I Trauma Center
CT Protocol Quality Control Using Semi-Automated Management Software: Why Does It Matter and Why Should I Do It?
Attestation certificates are available for the following items:
Image Wisely Articles
Procedure- and Patient-Specific Factors Affecting Radiation Exposure
Technical Principles for Interventional Procedures
Technical Principles for Cardiac Procedures
Tissue Attenuation of X-Rays
Managing High-Dose Fluoroscopically Guided Interventional Procedures
Using Control Charts to Monitor Radiation Metrics
Team Performance
Modern Fluoroscopy Imaging Systems
RSNA Dose Exhibits
Visualize Skin Dose and Air Dose in Virtual Reality
Real-Time Measurement of Patient Radiation Dose During Interventional Radiology